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Learn to stop at stop signs

August 19, 2012Dear Sir,What do Montpelier Road, Tee Street, Shelton Road and any other roads like these have in common? They each end at a stop sign. Now the problem is that collisions are normally caused by people who ignore the stop sign and automatically assume people aren’t travelling on the main road. Even when no one seems to be coming, an individual should wait at the stop sign first. No driver should just drive out without first stopping as this is how accidents occur. Most drivers “mice” on these roads as strange as that sounds (and the victims are mostly bike riders go figure). Any time that driver is met by a tractor-trailer or cement truck, they’ll feel the brunt of the impact more than that other person so, learn to just stop at the stop sign, please. Even if it seems clear, sometimes it isn’t.STALLEDDevonshire