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Cheap food bonanza

August 24,2012Dear Sir,I may have missed it before but today (I am in most days) there was a selection of produce reduced for quick sale. There were tomatoes, pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, bananas etc. for $2 or less. Each would normally have been over $4 each. The vegetables and fruit were in fine condition for use within two days or could have been blanched and frozen for future use.I recently had several ‘homeless’ men assist me with home maintenance. I took this opportunity with the extremely low prices to make a large pot of soup to feed at least 10 persons in need. Thank you Somers! Perhaps you could also add meat, dairy, near out of date other products. Bermuda needs this relief and the store will gain some income from products which would have otherwise been sent to garbage bin. I understand that Modern Mart in Paget also offers these deals.JONESSt George’s