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Artistic licence

September 17, 2012Dear Sir,I refer to an ad on page 25 of The Royal Gazette dated Saturday September 15, 2012 which I believe displays a gross error. At the bottom is your ad that runs the width of the page and is entitled “Did You Know”, there is a landscape scene of a painting by John Lyman, a Canadian artist who briefly owned a house in St George’s. The error is in this sentence “Darrell’s island in the middle ground once the site of seaplanes during the 1930s sits with no building in evidence”.My belief is that the painting was made at the junction of Harbour Road and Keith Hall Road and shows first, Godet Island and to the right Godet’s Passage, beyond this tiny island is the southern tip of Hinson’s Island, then Granaway Deep and finally, in your words, Darrel’s Island which I believe to be Marshall’s Island. Furthermore the topography (two hills) in the painting is not that of Darrell’s Island but almost certainly Marshall. I believe painter John Lyman used artistic license because the precise location of another small island, possibly Irresistible island, is not where he has shown it to be although it could be one of several small islands in that location. Darrell’s Island is not in this painting.FIDODevonshire