This is your debt
September 30, 2012Dear Sir,So the Progressive Labour Party message of doom to the voters is that the One Bermuda Alliance has no plans or solutions and, if they involve austerity or cost control, that should put the fear of God in you. I mean we’ve seen 14 years of cost creation and debt mismanagement so I guess that’s the new definition of “investing”? And now that we have this incredible mess, the PLP would suggest that this is what they mean by “investing in our people” and “standing strong for Bermudians”. If you are a Bermudian under 30, you should pay very close attention because this is your debt! The PLP investment programme has resulted in horrendous job losses, no jobs for Bermudian children who want to come home, no desire for anyone to invest in Bermuda, soaring crime, a public school system that, although the PLP have been told exactly how to fix it, continues to spiral into chaos because the PLP need the teachers votes, and a debt that even Wall Street can’t believe. But on the positive side, the PLP have a fleet of Government cars at their disposal and (Premier) Paula Cox’s salary is creeping pretty damn close to what Barack Obama gets paid.It’s pretty simple. Nobody outside the PLP diehards can possibly believe that we should just continue dancing down this yellow brick road that the PLP regime thinks is the path to glory. The mere fact that we have a change in Government will be a massive positive sign to the outside world and to Bermudians. Stay with this PLP investment programme and we will die on the vine; elect an OBA Government and Bermuda will start to see better days.CANNOT WAIT TO TICK THE BOXPembroke