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The PLP deserve praise

October 4, 2012Dear Sir,Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier had the audacity to say, in The Royal Gazette today, that the One Bermuda Alliance doesn’t deal in scare tactics, and will tell you the truth and give you the facts. And contrary to what you say, the OBA is always using scare tactics trying to influence the country negatively about the PLP, and what voting for them would mean. What does voting for the Progressive Labour Party mean, Mr Cannonier? If it means that social programmes will continue and the middle and lower class will continue to benefit. How wonderful! If it means, that despite the economic climate the PLP will continue to weather the storm and work daily for the betterment of Bermuda. How wonderful! If it means, that the PLP will continue to support the EEZ, how wonderful. If it means, that regrettably, during this portion of the PLP’s time in office, the world has fallen into a recession but, the PLP are standing tall, taking the criticism and still working hard, how wonderful!The PLP has done wonderful things for all people of this country, and just because we are now experiencing the recession, like Europe, the UK, the USA and all parts of the world, all of sudden, the OBA is using this misfortune to bash and bad mouth the PLP! OBA, if you don’t use fear tactics, then be honest and admit to Bermuda, that this global recession is a world wide epidemic. Stop trying to make Bermuda and Bermudians believe, that it’s the PLP’s fault! How cowardly of you! Stop using the misfortune of the world, to make your case as the ‘saviours’ of this Island, you couldn’t pull this country out of the recession, until globally things change and so, you would be no different from the PLP. But, I have to applaud you you’re ‘milking’ the situation for all that it’s worth. Stand strong PLP, don’t waiver! As The Bible says, ‘this too shall pass’ — the recession too shall pass and we will again see the light and fruits of your labour!VOTE PLPDevonshire