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Annals of honesty

October 8, 2012Dear Sir,Last Thursday evening, October 4, I took some time to enjoy one of my favourite spots on the Island, Admiralty House Park, for its views and the nice benches which Parks Department has installed.As I sat on the bench, beneath the tree at the top of the pathway and enjoyed the pleasant afternoon breeze and vistas, I relaxed so much that when I left to go home I inadvertently left my backpack, draped over the arm of the bench.Later in the evening after having dinner and watching some TV, I decided to get some paperwork done.Lo and behold, no backpack, which contained personnel and legal documents, my thumbdrive, my work logbooks and some personnel items.Oh God, that sinking feeling hit hard when I recalled where I had left my pack, as I live in the West End. I said a quick prayer, Lord please let it be there and jumped on my bike and headed to town.Arriving in the park and going straight to the bench, the pack was nowhere to be located. I searched the area trash cans thinking the worst. Nothing.Friday at 5.45am, I was back in the park searching the area and hoping that someone of integrity had found my pack if I could not. Still no sign of the pack or any of its contents. This was a good thing I thought, at least whoever had it, was an honest individual or had taken it far from the area and finding nothing of real value had dumped it. I even called the radio stations to ask if they could make an announcement, which they did.Friday evening after work I was back in the park again searching the bushes until dark, I had contacted the police in case someone turned it in, and was still holding out that it was in the hands of someone of integrity.Saturday, early AM, I headed back to the park, this time armed with a roll of tape and three handwritten signs, describing the pack, when I had left it and how to contact me as well as offering a reward for its return. I again searched the area around the park, spoke to several people in the park and shared my plight. My new search still came up with nothing, I then went to the bank and informed them of the lost documents.All I could do now was wait and see, as Sunday rolled around I came to terms with my loss and even did a speaking at Chewstick during open mic about wishing for honest people.However all that changed this morning at about 8am when I received a voice message from a gentleman who works at Barritt's. He said he had my backpack and had been trying to reach me.After calling and leaving a message for him, I went by this afternoon, to meet him, armed with a thank-you card and a reward!His story was nothing short of an answered prayer. He had arrived at Admiralty House shortly after I had had left and his grandson saw the pack on the bench, but thinking it peculiar, thought the owner might be nearby, after coming up from the beach his grandson pointed out it was still there and finding that odd, he collected the pack and safeguarded it in his car, he had tried to contact me through the numbers in the pack but had no luck.Then on Saturday he and his grandson returned and there on the bench and the tree, were my signs with contact information. Although he tried to call over the weekend for some reason each time he dialled he received a recording the number was out of service.Perhaps I needed a reminder in faith, however I am thankful to know, that despite what could have happened, that here in Bermuda, there are still people of high integrity who will go the extra mile, that his grandson, will enjoy the reward and that honesty does prevail!THANKFUL IN THE WEST END