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How do we get out of this?

October 12, 2012Dear SirHow did we get here? Is there a way out? The Progressive Labour Party Government are now giving away borrowed money to buy votes and maintaining the Civil Service with borrowed money. It is unsustainable. The PLP were voted into Government in 1998 based upon their many laudable promises and pledges of open transparent Government. Unfortunately, they lost their way sometime between 2005 and 2007. Since then, uncontrolled and sometimes questionable spending along with knee jerk legislation, immigration and housing policies that were implemented without considered regard for the long term consequences has left us severely weakened, socially and economically.The social programmes that the PLP introduced, but can no longer afford to maintain, were financed by previous United Bermuda Party and early PLP Government expertise and while the good times rolled, the PLP could spend, spend and spend. Times have changed and while the world is showing signs of recovery from the financial crisis, Bermuda is sinking deeper into its own self-generated hole of debt, which is consuming us all. Again, unfortunately, the PLP have no ideas how to reverse this trend without risking votes. Whichever party runs the next Government will need to cut expenditure, there is no other way.I feel for the die hard PLP supporters who cannot believe that the dreams of Freddie Wade, Eugene Cox and Dame Lois Browne Evans have been torn asunder over the last seven years. Our infrastructure is failing, our young people are leaving and our seniors are suffering. We are almost broke and now need a Government that understands business and the need to share the wealth so that those social programmes that the PLP proudly announce as their political successes can again be introduced in a sustainable manner for the betterment of all those Bermudians who remain challenged during this difficult period. Bermuda is dying and needs hope. Hope will come with change and with change our fortunes may improve. We need a different Government, one that will provide hope for all.CHOOSE WISELYPembroke