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Working is being done on Pembroke Marsh

October 23, 2012Dear Sir,Not because I am a young Progressive Labour Party supporter, but because I am a citizen of this lovely Island (born and raised), I need the One Bermuda Alliance to stop with the negativity just for votes, and to basically “do their homework”. In Saturday’s Letters to the Editor, an “OBA member” writes an article on a subject about which he has no knowledge. The article was entitled, “Remediate the Marsh” referring to the Pembroke Dump. And he alluded falsely to the fact (and the OBA has been doing a lot of this lately), that the dump has been a neglected topic of discussion, by Government. And the OBA would “ride in on their save the island horses” and make it a safe place, clean it up etc.Well Mr OBA, before you write letters such as this, do your homework, because as a young voter, I did. And guess what I found out with just a little research ... the Minister of Public Works, Minister Michael Weeks (who is doing a stellar job, by the way), has this matter under his ministry umbrella. And as a matter of record, he, and his technical team, already have the wheels rolling on this, and a plan is already underway. He has met with those who have advised as to how to make this area a safe, non hazardous and aesthetically pleasing environment; and like all matters as monumental as this, the process has to be implemented correctly; so time, care and caution is the order of the day.So, Sir, I encourage you and your fellow OBA members/supporters, to stop with this constant bashing of Government, before you do the research. Chat with Government leaders before you make such claims, because I’m sure, that you will find, that there is a lot of good going on for the good of this country. And much of it is happening without all of the fuss and fanfare. And, let me say that if this is how the OBA is trying to secure votes, by again making false insinuations about the Government or the PLP, try another method, because people are tiring quickly of this one!DO YOUR HOMEWORKDevonshire