Let the austerity begin
Created: Nov 27, 2012 08:00 AM (Updated: Nov 27, 2012 08:56 AM)
Premier Paula Cox
November 22, 2012Dear Sir,I read with astonishment your report in today's paper (November 22) that Paula Cox (with an entourage of how many? Will we ever find out?) is travelling to London to host a reception for Bermudian students at the Park Plaza Hotel on December 4. How much is this jamboree costing? Hosting parties in London is not a cheap undertaking.Has the PLP government not yet got the message that we are sick and tired of funding their jet-set lifestyle and endless parties?PLEASE let austerity begin. We can't afford not to get rid of these freeloaders who appear to be inhabiting some long-gone fantasy Island.ELSPETH A BREWINWarwick.