Rectify cruise ship mistake
December 1,2012Dear Sir,The last thing that Bermuda needs right now is a bad rap from cruise ship passengers. That surely will happen if this latest screw up with the pending arrival of the Pacific Princess is not rectified. A friend of mine has a pet saying that “ common sense is not very common these days”, and this is quite evident in the decision to select polling stations. I find it hard to believe that someone would select a facility whose function is to process arriving ship passengers, without checking to see whether this facility was needed on that particular date. We have 16 days to try and change this idiotic decision, and I hope that it is not too late. Six hundred passengers with bad tastes in their mouths only have to mention their experience to one other person when they get home, and you have an exponential growth of bad publicity. I can only hope that the next Government will have a collective IQ higher than the square root of minus one.BILL NEARONPembroke