Show me the money
February 5, 2012Dear Sir,Senator Vince Ingham says businesses are sitting on a big pile of money. As a businessman, I would sure appreciate it if he could get some for me so I can pay my staff, payroll tax, health insurance and all of the other obligations his Government expects businesses to pick up not to mention our electricity bills. Perhaps he could also explain how businesses can be less “selfish” when his Government has presided over four years of economic contraction and has driven thousands of people off the Island. It seems to me that today, the only people who are guaranteed six-figure salaries, credit cards and free cars are his PLP colleagues in Cabinet. Unlike Mr Ingham’s old job, most of us don’t run monopolies where we are allowed to raise our prices when our basic commodity goes up in price. We have to earn every penny we get.ENTREPRENEURCity of Hamilton