Enjoying outdoor music
Created: Dec 20, 2012 07:00 AM (Updated: Dec 20, 2012 07:01 AM)
December 18, 2012Dear Sir,Yesterday afternoon I took a break from my Christmas shopping to enjoy a cup of soup at the Lemon Tree café.I took the soup outside to enjoy the winter sunshine and was delighted to hear some “easy listening” music (seasonal, reggae etc.) being played by a small band of young men at the entrance to Par-la-Ville Park.The music created a wonderful atmosphere in the area adjacent to Reid Street. Everyone who walked by seemed to appreciate it and many dropped a dollar or two in the open guitar box, as I did. I hope these young men are able to entertain Christmas shoppers in this way all through the holidays and that those who enjoy the performance show their appreciation appropriately.LYNANNE BOLTONWarwick