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DeSilva does not get it

January 29, 2013Dear Sir,I applaud the new Health Minister, Patricia Gordon-Pamplin for her pledge to reopen the Clinic which served the group of patients very well. I am sure that reopening it would greatly ease the heavy strain that the closure has so far put on our Emergency Department. (Opposition Health spokesman) Zane DeSilva apparently still does not get it that people are sick and tired of playing politics with important national issues such as people’s health. The Clinic should never have been closed in the first place.1. It provided very satisfactory medical care.2. The investigations necessary were the same carried out for patients in the private sector.3. The treatment given and the medications prescribed were in no way of inferior quality.4. The location was a great advantage — right at the hospital.5. Transportation was very adequate.6. The seniors were able to mingle and chat afterwards, which is good for their mental health and loneliness.If medical caregivers are all happy that the facility will be reopened, than Mr DeSilva should recognise that their opinion is a lot more important than his. So, for the life in me, I fail to see why Mr DeSilva has any problem with the issue. I fail to see how a medical facility of this calibre could possibly strip any group of patients of their dignity. Mr DeSilva what in fact strips one of one’s dignity is unemployment, which is new to Bermuda. So let the Minister concentrate on her important job.DR H O SUBAIRPembroke