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Respect is earned

January 23, 2013Dear Sir,Its been said that “birds of a feather flock together” and no one seems to have displayed any indifference to this observation. Within the “cat” family that same rule seems to apply. I’m certain that people would find it quite strange indeed to come across a tiger laying off in the midst of a pride of lions. In fact, I’m sure that for the most part its universally accepted that animals of a particular species gather unto themselves, humans included. That being said, I’ve also heard that a duck egg placed among geese eggs may hatch a duckling thinking that it’s a goose — no fault of the duckling for being mistaken. Read between the lines!Have you ever experienced being lost with others? At times, the only thing that you can agree upon is that you’re lost, but you still don’t know where you are or which way to go in order to get to where you wish or need to be. To my own black people, sometimes we find ourselves driving in circles trying to get our bearings and the person driving becomes more and more hopelessly lost — even whilst trying to give the impression to everyone that everything is under control. Sound familiar? Pride and egotism are the new elements of “black segregation”. We as “black” people with our uppity education and uppity jobs and uppity houses and uppity positions and nasty attitudes towards ourselves are now driven by a strange need to be “better than” instead of just a need to be “better”.You shall know the truth! Can we handle the truth? Hypocrites, while we take great delight in criticising the “white man” for thinking they’re superior to us, we display the same nasty tendencies towards each other. Will the real leaders stand up? Respect is earned, not owed to you just because you happen to be old, rich, educated, black or white. I was once asked: “Glad, how do you feel when youths disrespect you”? My reply was: “Youth don’t disrespect me.” Do you wish to know why? Kindness is not to be taken for weakness. To the new leader and administration of the Opposition, I’m encouraged by and support the new narrative on “race,” and I’m certainly sure that there’s more than one way to skin a cat. I personally know you to be a man of courage and to be very deeply knowledgeable and respectful of your roots. Just remember that respect is given to those that give it. Bless.GLADWYN S SIMMONSUnity in the Community World Vibe, Fighting with Peace and not for itSandys