Bean seems angry
February 22, 2013Dear Sir,After listening to the interview with Marc Bean on Let’s Talk, I believe we can all agree that he made it abundantly clear of his anger, and animosity. I can only surmise that with Mr Bean’s overly venomous approach, he has undoubtedly lost even more respect and support from his fellow PLP party. This toxic and malicious attitude and approach is exactly why the PLP lost the last election. This mentality is not what Bermuda should have to endure. I’m only thankful that this ‘Ewart Brown wannabe’ is with the ‘opposition’ as opposed to being a part of the government of the day. For those that elected Mr Bean to this position, you should be ashamed of yourselves, if not for poor choice of leadership; most definitely for the vote of confidence in an individual, who will only ever be a part of the problems in Bermuda, and never a part of the solutions.SYDNEY