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What democracy is all about

Bermuda Industrial Union president Chris Furbert holds a placard in protest outside of Sessions House during a sitting of the House of Assembly on Friday March 1.

March 2, 2013Dear Sir,What a great display of a true democracy last night on the evening news Channel 7. Yes, I was shocked at the lack of respect for the Premier, the same way as I would feel if it had happened to Louis Brown Evans or Paula Cox. The lesson to be learned here is that this Government has made a pledge, a pledge that if broken will rebound to its discredit, and no sane and sensible Government would want that, so ... The Pledge is: “If a job becomes available and a Bermudian has the qualifications to fill that job, and the operative word is qualifications, then regardless, the Bermudian get’s that Job. No if’s or but’s.The elimination of term limits is necessary to court big business, without which, this island cannot survive, and big business cannot survive with term limits, so who has to make the sacrifice? The Bermudians, but there is no sacrifice if the Bermudian can qualify the job is his. Survival is the name of the game, and if we don’t survive there will be no jobs to fight over. I was so proud of Craig Cannonier and Michael Fahy last night for they displayed patience and dignity under very disturbing circumstances, and I thought then, that the man who was loudest, would not be hauled away never to be seen again. He was quietly encouraged by a gentle policeman to calm down, and things dissipated, as it should. That said it all. I would like to say that this man had every right to say what he feels, but it should be said in a regulated forum and with respect, so that his right to be heard should be the same right as the Premier has. So, you are allowed to say your piece under controlled circumstances and yet your piece may be damaging and hurtful, but at least it is out in the open, for all of us to see and struggle with. That’s what a democracy is all about and thank God for it.DIANA WILLIAMS