Say no to same-sex marriage
March 5, 2013Dear Sir,I feel I must respond when seeing the homosexual agenda being promoted in our lovely Island. We have always been opposed to the lifestyle especially flaunted publicly, now we see the lobby for same gender marriage.Bermuda is, of course, a part of the global community and now we are seeing pressure applied from guest workers and locals who have studied abroad. We must resist the lobby in this country that still considers itself Christian. We are being asked to turn our society on its head as to morality and the way we educate our children!This has serious implications for our country going forward redefining right and wrong. Let’s be rational, kind, firm and loving Christians while lobbying against this position of embracing same gender marriage. It would be detrimental for our country. As we speak in larger countries schools are being forced not to teach any negativity about homosexuality, also the church is being challenged as to its teachings on this subject.Think about it. Then say no to same gender marriage.WAYNE B SCOTT