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Municipal elections

May 20, 2013Dear Sir,Re: Municipal ElectionsThe article in The Royal Gazette of May 20 concerning proposed changes to municipal elections is noted. The article indicates that the changes will result in business owners voting as well as residents.What is not clarified is the definition of a business owner. Many large businesses are owned by corporations that are themselves owned by shareholders. Does that mean that the corporation, as an entity, will have a vote? In addition, what about those persons who own residences within the municipality but rent or lease those residences to others rather than residing there? In essence such persons may be viewed as operating unincorporated businesses; those persons were disenfranchised by the previous change in the municipalities act.Furthermore which so-called businesses will be included? The City of Hamilton is dominated by businesses that are financial institutions with offshore control. Will they be included among the voters?The idea of no taxation without representation is not a given within municipalities. This government needs to be clear about its intentions and who it wishes to favour by these proposed changes.The public must pay attention.JT CHRISTOPHER