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Forgive them Lord, they know not of what they speak

June 18, 2013Dear Sir,If the Bible is going to be held up to ridicule in the on-going issue of human rights, it would help that those who make such loose remarks about this great book know what they are talking about.It is often repeated that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The Bible is a collection of 66, 39 in the old testament and 27 in the new. It contains history, poetry, law, prophesy, and the story of creation and the fall of man.The Bible is a map, guide, compass and schematic for life. As with any other book, depending on the subject being dealt with, it is contextual. It does not teach every thing it says as with any other book.Many of us have discovered the story of redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ through its pages. We have become its students and continue to understand its doctrines and theology as we pray for greater understanding. With the deepest of humility, I must comment on those who appear to know a few scriptures and think they know God’s word without truly being converted by its message.The Bible is not contradictory, absurd, fairy tales or a printed collection of foolishness or myths. Get into a Bible study group and be amazed at its relevance for this modern age. It is as modern as tomorrow’s edition of the news paper.Any respected publication could be maligned and misquoted and have subjects taken out of context to discredit its credibility. When you hear it being posited that the Bible is a 2,000-year-old relic of no relevance for this new millennium, you know for sure the one speaking is not a student of the Word of God.WAYNE B SCOTT