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LOM headline was misleading

LOM building

July 24, 2013Dear SirI take strong exception to the headline in your paper on July 24: “LOM chief heaps blame on OBA, other factors, as ‘recession drags on’.”This is not what I said in my letter to shareholders. I actually said the following: “Though there has been an improvement in sentiment with the change of government last December, the new government has been slow to make the radical changes in attracting international capital the island requires to turn the economic tide. There is a growing concern that the new government is squandering its ‘honeymoon period’ and will lose the opportunity to make real and needed structural changes to open up the Bermuda economy.”I then went on to give my view of one significant way to help the Bermuda economy. The rest of the shareholders’ letter commented on the markets, our financials and how the weakness in our broking volumes was the cause of our first-half loss.What is apparent is that your newspaper consciously decided to give the story as negative a slant as possible in your print edition with a misleading headline. The original reporting on your website as published on the afternoon of July 23, under the succinct headline “LOM posts first-half loss”, was altered to twist the focus of the story as negatively as possible. You created an inflammatory, controversial headline for the newspaper that simply did not reflect what I said.It is unfortunate that even though Bermuda is in the most serious difficulties it has faced in several generations, The Royal Gazette sees fit to publish headlines that sensationalise and twist the news.There is no doubt that Bermuda has to make some difficult decisions and face some radical changes in the near future. The Gazette will not help the process of change by continuing to behave in this manner.SCOTT LINESPresident, LOM GroupReid StreetHamilton