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Thanks for handing in keys

July 24, 2013Dear Sir,On Monday morning, July 22, at approximately 9:15am, I unknowingly dropped a set of personal keys somewhere between Number 5 car park and Chancery Lane. Approximately an hour and a half later, I discovered they were missing and retraced my steps to no avail. A friend suggested I call the Hamilton Police Station to find out if they were turned in. It is much too soon, or so I thought. Imagine my shock and gratitude to learn my lost keys were at the Station. Apparently, they had been turned in by whom the Police described as a Lady who didn’t wish to leave her name.To that lady, whoever you are, please know how grateful I am to you for taking the time and effort out of your morning to turn my keys in at the Station so quickly. You were without any doubt, my hero that day.Bermuda is Another World