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Dear Sir,In response to ‘Out of Service’, I feel although he was treated wrong by CV, WOW is likely to go that route one day as well.How CV dealt with my issue was messed up (waited long) but I still received service that same day. Now in your case, WOW still hasn’t explained to customers why rain scrambles their signal despite them being wireless. Isn’t that something they should’ve mentioned before setting up their boxes? I’ve tried looking at a station on a rainy day only, to get another station altogether only to get the original one back when the weather had cleared up. If that’s what I saw, it’s likely to happen to you w/o explanation. No company is foolproof when it comes to service these days. In this wicked system we can only get some who are helpful and some who aren’t, unfortunately.WOW HAS GLITCHES TOODevonshire