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TV stations’ inaction has us suffering in silence

September 9, 2013Dear Sir,A few weeks ago, I sent the letter below to the Minister of Communication, ZBM and Letters to the Editor (via the website) and have not heard back from anyone. I would appreciate it if you could help me out with this. Feel free to contact me if you need additional info.Dear Minister of Communications and ZBM Manager,I was hoping that someone out there can help me, as I have tried Bermuda Broadcasting Company, with no luck.Since my husband is hearing impaired, we have closed captioning on all of our channels, as this is the only way he can watch TV. When ZFB and ZBM switched to a digital signal, the captioning stopped working.We have checked the Cablevision and over the air signals and neither are supplying the closed captioning. I called BBC and someone was supposed to “look into it” and get back to me.That was two months ago.We know that the US feeds that they are using are required to carry the closed captioning signal by law in the US so they should be available in Bermuda as well.If someone can lead me to the correct venue or a way to correct this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.Diane Hansberry