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Open season on men and women of the cross

Dear Sir,Well! United for change clearly has stepped on a landmine with the explosive power enough to take out an entire platoon. These are ministers of the Christian gospel for God’s sake (pardon the pun) what else would you expect?Anyone who has read my letters would know where my sympathy’s lie in this matter, I declare my bias. It is now perfectly acceptable to declare open season on men and women of the cloth and make them pariah’s for standing against an errant lifestyle of sexual perversion now defined as sexual orientation. My how revision in this matter has prevailed in this modern era of old fashioned iniquity!Before I am relegated to the ranks of ignorant and intolerant hate mongers, let’s make a few things clear. Sexual sins are as follows, intimacy before marriage, adultery and same gender sex, which the Bible expressly forbids. Involvement with children, and incest of course, would be included.In other jurisdictions the most astounding things are happening when reasonable concessions are made to the gay agenda in a civil and orderly society. Laws have been amended as to what teachers may say, and teach, about homosexuality.Children will learn that gay intimacy in particular is not a question of morality and a proper value system at all.The most blatant untruth that all sexual sin is not preached against from our pulpits has taken on a life of its own! We could go on and on how we have unwittingly become mislead and bewitched about right and wrong. God loves sinners and gave his son that we might enjoy eternal life, no matter how detestable, and revolting, the sin may be. He is not cool with gays as has been posited by another writer, no particular sin enjoys special dispensation or consideration.I have entered the fray and expect no mercy during combat, and as far as that goes no amount of venomous name calling will deter me from my right to speak on this matter. Righteousness exalts a nation, and sin will lead to the demise of any and all nations. United for Change is motivated by what is right, and, yes, Christian love.Mr Editor I cannot count the times it has been said, ‘where is the voice of the church when it suits our agenda. The Christian message must not change because it is inconvenient or uncomfortable.God is love, and he is merciful, but he will judge those who spurn his overtures to enter into a right relationship with him, provided by his son on a cruel and bloody cross.Foot note. It is not that long ago when a gay young bachelor meant something entirely different than it does today.Wayne B Scott