In the OBA we trust
Created: Oct 12, 2013 08:00 AM (Updated: Oct 12, 2013 08:01 AM)
October 10, 2013Dear Sir,The OBA has now made the decision to allow cruise ships to open casino while in port. Typical PLP response is the equivalent of “I told you so”.I think we need to make it abundantly clear, that many scenarios under PLP rule, did not get passed, or, approved, because of the monumental mistrust the people of Bermuda had for the PLP and their decision making, not to mention their motives and actions. We knew what we had with the PLP, thus the victory of the OBA. We can only hope we now have a party with the honour and passion for Bermuda, and its people, which will enable many more positive decisions to be made and actually implemented.SYDNEY