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Something’s wrong here

Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre

Dear Sir,

If BHB is losing money from UCC, where are they getting the money to pay for the new wing of the hospital at KEMH? Don’t you think it’s odd that a building that’s been there for years on end would obviously not cost as much as a building that gets a multi-million dollar project added to it just to make sure KEMH on Point Finger Road gets a whole new look to it (unusually nice at that)?

If the Health Minister/Zane DeSilva aren’t a part of that scheme, who is? Where’s That money coming from? BHB didn’t just end up with a whole heap of money one day did they? If they did, how do they turn around and complain they’re losing $250,000 a year from less patients being at UCC?

Something sinister is about, and considering Patricia Gordon-Pamplin makes a big fat cheque per week or month and can’t die with that you would think some of that money could’ve been used to help put a needy bunch in St George’s/St David’s. Something very sinister is wrong with that picture (eliminating some ministers’ positions might just be the answer to money problems healthwise: SAGE Commission).