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Youth Parliamentarians and our EEZ

November 24th, 2013

Dear Sir,

I was encouraged to read the result of the EEZ debate by our Young Parliamentarians in Thursday’s RG but, since the item was on page 14, it may have been missed by many who have been following the EEZ discussion in recent weeks. The following repeats the RG quote:

“Our first formal debate was a topic that was brought to us by the Sustainable Development Department of the Bermuda Government. The motion, debated [by our Youth Parliamentarians] was ‘This house believes that a marine reserve should be implemented in Bermuda’s Exclusive Economic Zone.’ Mr Speaker, though both sides had strong arguments, the majority of the members voted against implementing a marine reserve in Bermuda’s Exclusive Economic Zone. Following our debate our respective sides were asked to prepare proposals on the motion.”

I hope that the printing of this letter will highlight the good sense of our young people and give guidance to those of our leaders who may be tempted to give in to foreign pressure on this topic.

Ian Boatman,
