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Bad timing

City of Hamilton Mayor Graeme Outerbridge. (Photo by Akil Simmons) June 6, 2012

November 30, 2013

Dear Sir

The following was sent to Hamilton Mayor, Graeme Outerbridge and copied to The Royal Gazette.

Dear Mr Mayor, Thank you for taking my phone call to you on Saturday November 30th with regards to the road closures at Reid and Parliament Streets. I was most upset when I arrived at work on Saturday, to find that Reid and Parliament Streets were closed … I remembered that I had seen something in the paper about the road closures but never thought for a minute that complete access would be impossible! As a business owner in the city it seems there is lack of real planning when it comes to some of the city’s road works etc.

The case in point was the closure of the junction between Reid and Parliament Streets on Saturday November 30th. This particular Saturday is one of the most important business days in the lead up to Christmas and it would seem that the city engineers when it comes to road closures that they do not understand how these closures will impact on business and the general public.

I understand that availability of materials and machinery is key to doing some of the repairs to our roads. But surely it must have occurred to someone that this is a very busy time for Hamilton and Surely this disruption could have been scheduled in January or at a time when the city is not as busy. (ie: Sunday, I know this may cost more!)

Our roads are in need of repair there is no question of that! But with proper planning I believe that the impact on business and the general public, these necessary repairs would not be as impactful and disruptive.

The City fathers need to pay more attention to the very business that support the city as tax payers. Just because you place an advertisement in the paper giving notice of pending road works etc and the machinery is only available on a certain day, does not give you the automatic okay to do something without a real understanding of what the cause and effect may be. Hoping for less disruptive days! I guess this is what Taxation without representation looks like!

