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Problem waiting to happen

December 10, 2013

Dear Sir,

Re: Gaming vessel, Corinthian

A problem waiting to happen, the gaming vessel Corinthian tied up alongside Marginal Wharf in St. David’s should be either taken away from Bermuda or taken to deep water behind Commissioner’s Point and sunk to be made into a protected diving platform for recreational divers.

According to signs on Marginal Wharf adjacent to the Corinthian, it’s costing $120.00 per day in wharfage fees. This vessel has been there since the year 2008, has it been examined lately to determine the condition of the whole of this vessel? If it should start leaking, and taking on water, it would take an awful lot of money to get it up again.

Come on Government, let’s do something about this problem, it’s nothing but an eyesore, especially to the people who work and live in that area.

Peter Bromby Sr.