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You’re free to take a day off, Johnny

Every weekday, whatever the weather, Johnny Barnes greets commuters coming into and out of Hamilton. A writer suggests that the 90-year-old feel free to take a day off now and again if he wants a sleep-in, or if the weather is particularly bad.

January 22, 2014

Dear Sir

This is an open plea to Johnny Barnes, whom I passed this morning in the dark at 6:30. This lovely 90-year-old man was sitting in a torrential downpour with an umbrella over his head.

Mr Barnes, no one will object if you take a day or two and sleep in.

Particularly when the weather is cold, windy and wet ... I love what you do, but I’d refer you to the old adage “Absence makes the heart grow fonder ...’. And we’d all prefer that you not be permanently absent any sooner than need be!

