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Caution, children at play

17 February 2014

Dear Sir,

I’m sure everyone in the community was stunned and shocked to read and/or hear the news reports relating to the ‘shenanigans’ that went on in the House of Parliament last Friday. Opposition members accusing Government members of corruption, bribes and the like; and name-calling that sounded more like playground antics coming from children. What a national embarrassment.

It appears now is as good a time as any to change the House rule that allows Members the use of Parliamentary Privilege — where anything can be said about anybody without any proof being provided to validate the accusations and no recourse to the courts for the ‘victims’ of such abuse. It really is time for our parliamentarians to grow up and stop all this nonsense, and changing the parliamentary privilege rule will help our MPs on this journey. In the meantime, however, I recommend bright yellow signs be erected around the House with the words ‘Caution — Children at Play’.


St George’s