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Shocked by immature politics

18 February 2014

Dear Sir,

The recent allegations levied by the Opposition Leader against the Premier and some of his Cabinet members leave a lot to be desired.

None of the accusations are based on fact or evidence, the Opposition Leader is going on hearsay and supposition, his word only. How can our leaders be so irresponsible and divisive at a time when there should be collaboration?

Outsiders must be viewing us as immature, somewhat kindergarten types, by the way our politics are being played out. The former government must only be interested in regaining power at any costs. If Bermuda goes down, so what, as long as we are in control it does not matter.

I must congratulate the Premier for not stooping so low by releasing the “Nandi tape”, even though curiosity has got the better of me. Surely he does not want to be involved in such “gutter politics“.

To the OBA, keep doing the people’s business. We saw what the previous 14 years did to our Island. Those of us who want Bermuda to succeed are behind you.