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Depot an eyesore

May 23, 2014

Dear Sir,

Can you please tell me why an industrial depot can be allowed in the middle of a busy neighbourhood. One in question is on Coral Hill Lane in Warwick. The recent explosion brings to light the questions and concerns of property owners whose property values have decreased no doubt perhaps because of this depot.

Here’s an idea for the politicians in the area, wouldn’t it be great to have a beautiful park on this sight.

So many positives for the residents, as it would not only create a location for play it would no doubt increase the property values of the area residents, a win-win for all. Perhaps the representatives in this area would like a tour of the area to study the feasibility for future planning.

Further might the National Trust or Buy Back Bermuda make an offer to the owners. The current owners could leave a legacy for future generations to enjoy!

Watching and Waiting