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Look around first

June 18, 2014

Dear Sir,

Whether it be privatisation, mutilation, outsourcing, or adding an extra furlough day (rumoured), they’re all evil acts presented by the current government. None of the above, will help out Bermudians as people, are struggling now with the factor of job losses. I like what Shawn Dill is doing, standing up for what’s wrong with this picture (people from overseas, continuing to take over jobs that, local Bermudians ought to at least have). I totally agree, why give certain jobs, that Bermudians should be well able to handle, to people from other parts of the world first? If the Bermudian can’t handle that type of job, then look elsewhere but, not before.

Eliminating vacation time for government workers (no more accumulation), increasing work time/decreasing pay — a stupid way to run a life! Totally evil indeed. (I’ll rather have a part-time job in that case, as I want the freedom to be able to go on breaks as I please).