In praise of Shirley Dill
July 23, 2014
Dear Sir,
Last year Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands did it, last month King Juan Carlos of Spain done it now our very own “Queen of Talk Radio”, Shirley Dill has announced that she too is about to ‘abdicate’. On July 10th Mrs Dill announced via her popular “Now Your Talking” chat show that she will be finishing up at the end of this month. Through dedication, hard work and natural talent she built her show into what has indeed become a veritable institution in Bermuda the very flagship of VSB broadcasting be it radio or television. And if I appear somewhat fulsome in my commendations I offer no apologies as she most certainly deserves it.
I for one will most certainly miss conversing with her on the ‘hot’ political topics of the day. Though we did not always see eye to eye I enjoyed our reasoning together and would like to think on the odd occasion I caused her to re-consider her position on some issues as she did with me. I would like to make a suggestion to both VSB and Mrs Dill, while I am sure she will welcome the rest from the day to day toil of hosting a radio talk show, it would be a great thing if she carries on a weekly show. Why not allow her to host ‘Sundays with Shirley’ once a week, that way VSB will retain their number one asset, Mrs Dill could carry on doing what she loves to do and we the public would continue to enjoy the Queen of Talk Radio.
God Bless you Mrs. Dill on a job well done!