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Students need access to library on Saturdays

Dear Editor,

Why would the youth library close on Saturdays over the summer break?

This is the time when it would be needed most. I visit the library at least three times a week. During the week, I take my young child numerous times to read and check out books.

During this time, I usually read the daily paper (if one of the staff members aren’t “hogging” it).

Many times, I have gone to the library and there are three or more staff members sitting about gossiping for the 1½ to 2 hours I am in the library.

I never understood why they had so many employees during non-peak times. Whenever I go, there are more employees than the number of patrons.

So better scheduling is definitely needed. Our students need to be able to access the library on Saturdays throughout the year and not everyone will be able to get to the library during the week while on summer break. This is going to add to the already existing problem of our children failing!