‘Privatise or mutualise whatever you can’
Dear Sir,
I refer to MP Lawrence Scott’s comment in the RG where he states that the OBA Government and privatisation are on the same track.
While I don’t like the idea of government giving up the provision of all services, this is the new economic reality throughout the Western, non-Socialist world. To a great extent, Government should be providing governance and leadership — not necessarily services.
I agree with Mr Scott and 100 per cent with the OBA — privatise or mutualise whatever you can.
There is no substitute for competition and accountability and I firmly believe that when human beings are challenged and encouraged to succeed, without being propped up by unrealistic protectionist policy, we will all be better off.
Garbage collection, transport, the management of facilities such as the airport and the hospital, postal services and even some services provided by the Police — all should be considered for privatisation.
The other issue which seems to be very topical, and is related, is this question of increasing population. This is a really tough thing to work through and the Government is going to have to do a far better job of communicating and educating if it wants to gather support on this.
It is almost a fundamental fact that we need people here to buy what we’re selling. Whether that’s products, services or Bermuda itself, it’s pretty damn logical that if we don’t have customers, we won’t make any money!
The problem is fear. Even the least educated among us can figure out that we need customers to pay for what we sell. But the fear of an increase in a better-educated, more qualified workforce is a real fear. I don’t know the answer but the Government has to educate and provide some support and a great deal of comfort to those among us who do not compete well.
This issue is at the heart of what the Government should be focused on — governing and supporting those among us who need governance and support.