Our overgrown Island is going to seed
Dear Sir,
Further to my letter of July 1, I am pleased to say that many of the weeds mentioned at that time are still growing well and look very healthy.
Many in fact have flowered and produced seed, which has been dispersed over much of the surrounding landscape.
As there appears a reluctance to remove the weeds from roadsides, found in many areas, may I suggest that as an interest feature to our many overseas guests, we start to label these plants.
If a tourist attraction, best to call them plants, as weeds just belittle their beauty.
If done correctly, these could rival the Botanical Gardens for interest, as for sure there are more plants along the roadside than in the whole of the BG.
We should also perhaps look at renaming the railway trails as Areas of National Natural Beauty. They are abundant with growth, flower and seed.
As there appears a great resistance to do any work in these areas, they could really become popular spots to hold happy hour parties.
Grass verges are being allowed to naturalise to the point in several areas one needs to wear good old wellies to avoid unknown elements — difficult to use labelling here unless labels are three feet high.
Is there a hidden agenda here? Is this a conservationist’s way, unbeknown to the general public, of going green? Such ideas can become rooted in any branch of society so best “leaf” such ideas that may stem from such floriferous minds alone and let them go to seed.
Environmentally yours, MALCOLM D. GRIFFITHS