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Unite in prayer for leaders of integrity

Raising concerns: a reader writes that the Minister of Home Affairs, Michael Fahy, seems intent on destroying the unions(File photograph)

Dear Sir,

Kenneth Bascome is reported as having said that God is part-Bermudian because so often we have been spared the most destructive aspects of the storms.

I would not be so presumptuous as to assume the reason for our past good fortune or what may happen in the future. But neither can I disagree with those who have said that it is because of our many praying Christians.

Some of those praying Christians are expressing concern about the same-sex issue at present.

However, I am far more concerned about the condition of the black community and the way in which it is being governed by the Minister of Home Affairs.

He is not only overtly contemptuous of the Ombudsman, he seems to be intent on destroying the unions and all of us.

The frustration expressed on the talk shows and “appeals” to the Government are futile.

We, as a black community, need to produce, or raise up enough individuals of integrity and courage and concern to serve the entire community rather than being concerned about their own egos and desire for status.

And then we need to elect them to govern us. It is not enough to simply change this government. Young black men (and there are some good young black men) have marched and gone on strike; now they need to start a prayer campaign for this kind of leadership.

It is not likely to happen otherwise. There was a time when none of us had status, prestige or position and certainly not material wealth. We had only the Lord. In many ways we were better off because we were unified in our poverty and struggle for a more just society before we were divided by party politics and an illusion of “integration”.

It was only because we were unified and before party politics that we achieved universal franchise and public desegregation. Since then we have achieved nothing that has affected the entire black community.

You have marched, you have protested, you have appealed. Now try serious, earnest, united prayer for enough men of integrity, courage and concern for the community rather than for themselves, and that we will have enough intelligence to elect them to govern us.

Yours etc,