Historical additions to Bermuda library
Dear Sir,
Readers with an interest in Bermuda’s art history, or in old maps of Bermuda, will be interested to know that I have recently made available to the Reference Library at the Bermuda National Library two new books by me, which are not presently available for purchase anywhere.
The first is my privately-printed, text-only preview edition of Bermuda in Painted Representation, Volume III: the Bermudian era (the concluding volume of that trilogy, which takes the reader on a lengthy but hopefully not too exhausting guided tour of how and by whom Bermuda has been depicted in artworks, from the earliest days until recent times).
The second new work is A Carto-Bibliography for Bermuda, 1511-1948, which sets out, chronologically and in schematic detail (including their publishing history and indicative rarity ratings), all of the old printed maps of Bermuda that are known to me.
The latter work (which I have been compiling for many years) was originally intended to be the main appendix to my forthcoming illustrated history book Old Bermuda Maps (National Museum of Bermuda Press, autumn 2016), but the Museum has decided not to include it there so as not to make Old Bermuda Maps too long a book.
I am pleased to say, however, that the National Museum will be making a digital-download version of the carto-bibliography available for purchase through the museum’s website in due course, and in the meantime has graciously consented to my privately printing a small number of copies of the carto-bibliography for donation by me to a few leading libraries and the like. The museum also plans to publish an illustrated edition of my Bermuda in Painted Representation trilogy at some stage in the hopefully not-too-distant future.
Given the museum’s well-deserved reputation for producing high-quality and handsomely-illustrated scholarly books on Bermuda’s history, I am sure that readers will have much to look forward to there in due course; and in the meantime my own more homespun text-only volumes, noted above, will hopefully serve as a valuable resource for researchers, collectors and others interested in the huge variety of artistic and cartographic depictions of Bermuda that have been produced over the centuries.