Criticism of SPCA’s cat capture was unfair
Dear Sir,
We feel it very unfair that the SPCA has been criticised by Debbie Masters over the capture of a sick, feral cat. There was a report from the public, which resulted in a veterinarian having to humanely euthanise the animal for its own good.
We can sympathise with Debbie that she could not be informed of the incident before it being put to sleep, and we understand that she is upset. Yet, in all fairness, the SPCA was doing its best for the cat, as it was in obvious distress. Debbie did much good work for the SPCA and she knows the difficulties that the staff face. Sometimes you are dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.
We see much good work being done by the staff at the SPCA and the local vets to treat injured, abused and homeless animals. It is not an easy job trying to please everybody, with too little help from the courts.
It is wonderful to see so many needy animals being nurtured back to health and adopted out to new, loving homes.
The SPCA also does much good work educating the public on animal welfare, including regular camps for children.
So let’s appreciate and support the SPCA for all the good work it does because the animals need all the help possible, and unfair criticism can destroy the confidence of the public.