Improved parent-child relations cannot come soon enough
Dear Sir,
We are witnessing in the world today a disturbing aggression in our youth that I do not remember occurring in the past.
It is a cruel behaviour that should not go unheeded by the authorities.
I venture to say that a child starts off pure and innocent. Then when they are exposed to certain influences, good or bad, they absorb those influences without even knowing.
Parents, of course, play the vital role in this process; so do schools and the churches. There are warnings on the horizon of neglect in the home, the schools and the churches that speak of all three failing.
Priorities must be put in their right order because the children are the future.
So there must be dedicated time, thought, caring and especially expertise in the field of teachers made available to every child — only the very best will do. This has to be administered before it is too late. It should be considered almost criminal to rob children of their future. Educated children are the core of a society that places values — not only for the child but for the country and even the world — to grow up, to contribute and to give back.
China knows that and has placed all resources in this direction. We should not be complacent, as the youth need to have the tools to compete in the future.
Lastly, we must be careful in our own behaviours as adults to set an example that is of the highest standard so that it may prove worthy of being admired and emulated.
Let’s inspire our children to want to learn, and the importance of character should never be overlooked.
The vicious, cruel side of a person with no compassion for the pain of others must be weaned early on, starting with introducing tiny animals that need a cuddle.
Parents talking to their children about their future cannot start too soon.