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Vehicle indicators are not just for show

Dear Sir,

For those of us who have the privilege of operating a motorised vehicle on our roads, whether they be automobiles or bikes, one would believe that they all should be fitted with indicators at the time of purchase, considering the price one has to pay when making a purchase.

Perhaps all motorised vehicles do come with indicators already installed and that, for whatever reason, the salesperson does not show or inform the buyer that this marvellous device is installed for safety purposes and is included in the purchase price

If you have already checked for and found this marvellous device, great. If not, I would highly recommend that you return to the dealership from which your purchase was made and ask them to show you where the indicator switch is on your vehicle. Should they not be able to find it, you should ask them to install one because you have already paid for the device.

I can only imagine the frustration that some road users must feel when they come to a roundabout or have a need to change direction that they have no way of informing their fellow road users of their good intentions.

Just think how much safer our roads would be when we all start using indicators at the appropriate times.

Keep smiling and let us all enjoy being safe when on our roads.