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Easy better than hard in saving lives on our roads

Dear Sir,

On reading your article on drink and drug-driving, improving roads safety is not just about education and awareness but also about a deterrent.

In the UK, we have a new law since March 2015 which allows the use of the DrugWipe as a roadside screener, just like alcohol is screened for with the breathalysers.

The BBC has just published figures showing the Police caught and prosecuted more than 25,000 drug-drivers in the past three years.

The DrugWipe screening by police is growing rapidly, if you consider that in our pre-Christmas Drink and Drug drive campaign, we caught 3,500 drug-drivers in just the month of December.

That would come to more than 40,000 drug-driver arrests a year.

In some police forces, they now catch more drug-drivers than drink-drivers.

I wonder if the powers that be in Bermuda may benefit from a conversation with the UK about simple legislation and even easier equipment? It is about saving lives and reducing serious injury.


Managing Director

D. Tech International

Preston, Lancashire