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Not well worth the wait

Health meeting: Age Concern discusses health plan at the Salvation Army Citadel (Photograph by Blaire Simmons).

Dear Sir,

While I commend Age Concern for organising the December 4 meeting at the Hamilton Citadel, it was a one-way meeting.

We were asked to write our questions down and these cards were handed to the moderator.

Maybe up to six questions were read out — if that — and when one member of the audience attempted to voice their opinion, they were promptly cut off.

I left the meeting without any better knowledge than when I walked in. So consultation stopped on December 8, and the Government will go ahead come hell or high water — and our children and grandchildren will be paying for this years down the road, with longer waiting times for treatment.

It was interesting to hear Dr Michael Czerwinski report that he had just returned from Canada, where his mother had knee surgery, which she had been waiting for six months. She also needs shoulder surgery and there is a 13-month waiting list.

So much for a government-controlled health system. Wake up, Bermuda. It already is too late.

