Buyers beware of ‘secure’ DHL service
Dear Sir,
I am using your excellent column on the off chance that employees at DHL courier service may read this letter, as there seems to be no other way to contact them.
I have a mailbox on the property, don’t check it out that often, as the only mail we receive are bank statements, which are now overtaken by online banking. I did check the box on Friday and I’m glad I did, for there stuffed in the back was a DHL envelope. I opened it and found my long-awaited new UK passport inside.
Wait a minute. Isn’t DHL a bonded, secure, person-to-person delivery service? I double-checked e-mails and phones, but, no, DHL has never contacted me. So I turned to my wife and said, “Golly, Gosh” or words to the effect. “This is unacceptable” so I called DHL and it looks like they’ve got the last laugh. The automated voice at the other end said, “sorry, mailbox full. Try again.”
All I can say is, “Buyer beware.”