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We can survive this storm too

Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Dear Sir,

Well, Covid-19 has our full attention, doesn’t it?

It’s a threat to the life and health of us all.

But wait: serious challenges bring out the best in our small community.

We come together during and after a hurricane to put our island back together again.

This latest storm is a wider, deeper challenge, but the same spirit is aroused.

We know that we are all in this together. We all have our part to play to avoid the spread of the virus, so we try to put aside petty squabbles and even ingrained political posturing to focus on what simply is the best for all as a united community.

Quite timely and bold measures from our government have, as far as we can see, positioned us to minimise the health impact and alleviate some of the inevitable financial hardship.

These were tough decisions that leaders in neighbouring countries, admittedly with more at stake, were loath to take.

However this all works out, we should commend the Premier and his team for decisive leadership.

Thank you.

The safety of the community was rightly deemed to be paramount.

Frontline workers in all areas of essential service are the glue that holds our community efforts together.

Thank you.

Make no mistake, holding our community together is crucial but that’s what will define Bermuda in this crisis.

This storm will pass, we will count the inevitable costs and hopefully recognise those who saw us through.

If, as is likely, we will see that it was a whole community effort, it will beg the question, why can’t we have this spirit all the time?

Our whole community, when united, is so much stronger and resilient.

We must try and keep it that way.

