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Honoured to have known this great lady

Great lady: the late Eva Hodgson (File photograph)

Dear Sir,

Great tributes have been written about Eva Hodgson in the past few days by Meredith Ebbin, Rolfe Commissiong, Dawn Simmons and Leah Scott. All true and well deserved.

I knew Dr Hodgson through my late husband, John Stubbs. He and Dr Hodgson had a warm and mutually respectful friendship. They shared a close bond in their desire to address and fight racism in Bermuda.

Dr Hodgson did not only see racism from the black perspective, she appreciated his efforts from his white perspective. Dr Hodgson admired the work, public speeches and stance that Dr Stubbs took in 1968 and the following years until his untimely death in 1994.

Dr Stubbs came from a humble background and, like Dr Hodgson, through education and hard work he achieved much. His privilege was to be white.

Sadly Bermuda has not moved on in the past 50 years as Dr Hodgson and Dr Stubbs would have wanted and expected. Now is the time, more than ever, to work to achieve the aspirations for equality and harmony that they wanted for Bermuda over 50 years ago.

I indeed feel honoured to have known this great lady.