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More support needed for our newest Bermudian treasure

Under public scrutiny: Carika Weldon (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Dear Sir,

I listened with increasing incredulity to the horrible treatment meted out to Carika Weldon, as described by Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch.

How can it be that there are still Bermudians who are unaware of her attainments? Who question her credentials?

She has for some years been bringing colleagues from all over the world to scientific conferences she has organised at the Fairmont Southampton. You think those distinguished scientists would pay attention to someone who was not highly respected?

Last year it was her name as the supervising scientist that encouraged me to volunteer for the DNA testing done by BHS student and future doctor Kameron Young.

Kameron was taking the DNA samples to check whether Bermudians have the specific gene mutation that leads to a preference for sugar and an inability to recognise when one is full.

I found it immensely impressive and generous that this distinguished scientist would travel here and give her time to overseeing the work of a schoolgirl — and know without a doubt that Kameron Young will become a wonderful doctor, encouraged by such a great mentor.

Dr Weldon then gave a presentation at the Bermuda College, the first her family had seen of her work. It was wonderful and we in the audience were as proud of her as her family were.

This year she has done a magnificent job. The students she recruited to run the testing sites are delightful and efficient. My results came back the next morning.

Carika Weldon, PhD, is Bermuda’s newest treasure.


Hamilton Parish