Independent senators disrespected over cannabis stance
Dear Sir,
I have serious concerns about the statements made by two government ministers and a government member of the Senate.
The article on Page 1 of The Royal Gazette on March 5, 2021 highlights comments purported to have been made by Kathy Lynn Simmons, the Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs, and Lawrence Scott, the Minister of Transport. They were expressing their views on the negative votes cast by the independent senators on the Cannabis Licensing Bill.
In addition, senator Owen Darrell's disparaging comments on the Bermuda Broadcasting newscast on Friday evening showed, in my view, a lack of respect for the process and was a slight on the character of the independent senators.
Both the Attorney-General and Mr Darrell referred to the independent senators as the “Governor's senators", with an obvious disparaging connotation.
All senators are appointed, whether they be government, opposition or independent. None can be said to be doing the "will of the people", as they were not elected by the people.
The government and opposition senators, however, can be said to be doing the will of their respective political parties. The independent senators do not have to answer to anyone or any organisation.
Maybe the time is now to consider amending our Constitution to have all senators elected during a General Election.